
Canned food Learn more about Canned food

  • Processing technology of canned surimi

    Processing technology of canned surimi

    The processing of canned surimi is based on the processing of surimi products. Such as water hair fish balls, fried fish balls, seasoned surimi, etc., can be processed into canned food. This kind of canned food has the unique flavor of surimi products. Here only take canned seasoned eel surimi as an example. (1) processing of raw materials for minced meat, crushing (seasoning), → canning, → pre-sealing, → vacuum sealing, → sterilization, → cooling (2) Operation points 1. Chilled or frozen eel with good freshness should not be selected as raw materials.

  • Technical processing of canned surimi

    Technical processing of canned surimi

    The processing of canned surimi is based on the processing of surimi products. Such as water hair fish balls, fried fish balls, seasoned surimi, etc., can be processed into canned food. This kind of canned food has the unique flavor of surimi products. Here only take canned seasoned eel surimi as an example. (1) processing of raw materials for minced meat, crushing (seasoning) → canning, → pre-sealing → vacuum sealing cans, → sterilization and → cooling (2) operation points 1. Chilled or frozen eels with good freshness are selected as raw materials, and spoiled fish shall not be used. two

  • What kind of fish is herring? Why does the can stink so bad? How long is the shelf life?

    What kind of fish is herring? Why does the can stink so bad? How long is the shelf life?

    In recent years, canned herring, a traditional Swedish food, has become an online celebrity and is well known for its special smell. Do you know what kind of fish herring is? Why is canned herring eaten so smelly? How long is the shelf life of the can? Herring is

    2020-11-11 Herring what is it fish canned why so smelly shelf life
  • A new yellow peach variety 'Golden Crown' for both canned and fresh food

    A new yellow peach variety 'Golden Crown' for both canned and fresh food

    The 'Golden Crown' (see Feng Sancai photo) is a superior line of yellow peach for canned storage and fresh food selected by the author from the natural hybrid of 'Jinxiu' yellow peach in the 1990s. After many years of regional experiments and production trials in Shandong and Jiangsu for many years, the character is stable and the comprehensive performance is excellent. It was identified by experts organized by the Science and Technology Department of Shandong Province in September 2006. The variety characteristic characteristic tree posture opens, the tree potential is strong, the sprouting ability and the branch forming ability are strong. Annual branches yellowish green, reddish near the base, and after entering the fruiting stage

  • Buy some yellow peaches, can them, save money and taste good.

    Buy some yellow peaches, can them, save money and taste good.

    Two days ago, Huahua saw that the fruit stand on the roadside had begun selling yellow peaches. In addition to iced watermelon in summer, Huahua's favorite food is canned yellow peaches, sour and sweet. Today, Huahua teaches everyone how to make it at home...

  • Canned food what's the difference between sardines and mackerel? Is it a sea fish? Can it be farmed? What is the nutritional value?

    Canned food what's the difference between sardines and mackerel? Is it a sea fish? Can it be farmed? What is the nutritional value?

    Sardines, also known as mullet, sand brain mackerel, big belly mackerel, real mackerel, South American sardine fish, oyster, white back and beautiful meat, are often used for canned food. What's the difference between sardines and mackerel? Is it a sea fish? Can it be farmed? What is the nutritional value? Sand

    2020-11-11 Canned food sardines and mackerel yes what the difference
  • A New canned and fresh Yellow Peach Variety-- Golden Crown

    A New canned and fresh Yellow Peach Variety-- Golden Crown

    Golden Crown is a new variety of canned and fresh yellow peach selected from Jinxiu natural hybrid. It was identified by experts organized by the Science and Technology Department of Shandong Province in September 2006. The fruit is nearly round, with an average single fruit weight of 167g and a maximum of 245g. Pericarp golden yellow, no red, beautiful appearance; yellow pulp, insolute, non-browning, good comprehensive properties of canned processing, sweet and sour fresh food. Contains 13.8% soluble solids, 9.8% total sugar, 0.67% total acid, strong apricot aroma, good quality; small kernel, sticky core, can

  • Processing technology of canned Lentinus edodes sauce

    Processing technology of canned Lentinus edodes sauce

    Canned shiitake mushroom sauce is a new type of health food welcomed by the market. It is rich in nutrition and unique in flavor. It is a good food on the family table. Its processing technology is as follows: 1, raw materials and auxiliary materials. Lentinus edodes: choose dried Lentinus edodes with strong flavor and thick cover or fresh Lentinus edodes of good quality. Pork: choose small packages with qualification certificate to divide the meat (should be cooled to remove acid). Bean paste: selected broad bean or soybean fermented sauce, normal color, moderate viscosity, no impurities, no peculiar smell, salt content 12% Mel 15%, water content not more than 16%.

  • Production technology of canned small fish

    Production technology of canned small fish

    The reserves of small fish in rivers, rivers, lakes and berths are very huge. According to the traditional processing methods, they are mostly used as feed processing or fresh food. As a feed, resulting in a waste of resources; as a fresh food, affected by the seasons and people's different living habits, the amount of consumption is not large. And making canned goods has great potential and broad market development prospects. 1. Raw material requirements and treatment choose small fish with intact body, normal smell, elastic muscle and good freshness. Squeeze the internal organs of the small fish, rinse fully, do not leave the internal organs, and wash off the small scales as far as possible.

  • Processing of canned almonds

    Processing of canned almonds

    (1) technological process raw materials → cleaning → broken shell → selection → washing soaking → peeling → bitterness → color protection → hot washing → canning → filling soup → exhaust sealing → sterilization cooling → heat preservation inspection → finished products (2) Technical requirements 1. Raw materials, cleaning: select large, glossy, fresh, mildew-free and damaged apricot kernels, wash and drain fully with flowing water. 2. Break the shell and wash the material: use manual or sheller to break the core and remove the kernel, and choose the one with full particles, no mildew, deterioration and insect pests.

  • Production technology of seasoned canned aquatic products-canned braised fish

    Production technology of seasoned canned aquatic products-canned braised fish

    The processing of canned braised fish mainly adopts the technological characteristics of braised fish in Chinese cooking technology. Fish pieces are fried first and then canned to inject seasoning liquid; or after dehydration, canned and injected with seasoning liquid; or directly loaded and then injected with seasoning liquid; there are also fish pieces braised and roasted together with seasoning liquid, then canned and injected with appropriate amount of seasoning liquid, etc. The name of the product varies according to the method of cooking. Such as crispy, braised, braised and so on. The finished product is generally juicy, dark red in color and has the flavor of braised fish. The common varieties are braised mackerel, braised carp, braised mixed fish, crispy yellow croaker,

  • How to wean a puppy

    How to wean a puppy

    If all goes well, a litter of puppies will be breast-fed happily until about 3 to 5 weeks. During this period, in addition to the bitch's milk, you can also supplement some other food. At the same time, the puppy can learn to lick food from a shallow dish. In doing so, it can avoid the impact on the growth of puppies due to the reduction of mother's milk, and also reduce the milk production of bitches naturally. The first step in weaning the puppy is to heat the baby cereal milk into a liquid mixture, dip a little on the end of the finger or teaspoon handle and put it into each puppy's mouth. Using this method to make it smaller.

  • Bask it in dry water, drink beauty, appetizer and protect the liver.

    Bask it in dry water, drink beauty, appetizer and protect the liver.

    I don't know if everyone, like Huahua, will lose their appetite and don't want to eat anything at the time of the change of season. When I was at home, my mother would buy me some Hawthorns before the change of season and use all kinds of things at home.

  • Experiment on processing Technology of canned Pleurotus ostreatus

    Experiment on processing Technology of canned Pleurotus ostreatus

    Pleurotus ostreatus is one of the main varieties of edible fungi, which belongs to Pleurotus ostreatus, Pleurotus ostreatus and Pleurotus ostreatus in taxonomy. The cultivation technology of Pleurotus ostreatus is simple, the technical difficulty is relatively small, and the cultivation raw materials are extensive, which make it the artificial cultivated variety with the highest yield and the largest sales in the domestic edible mushroom market. It is widely cultivated in our country, especially in the north. In some provinces and cities, it has become the pillar industry of local agriculture, and many farmers in poor areas have embarked on the road of getting rich by cultivating Pleurotus ostreatus. It is not difficult to predict that with the development of international and domestic markets

  • Ultra-simple can self-control method, 3-year-old children can also, hot weather hurry to one.

    Ultra-simple can self-control method, 3-year-old children can also, hot weather hurry to one.

    Two days ago, Huahua saw that the fruit stall by the roadside had begun to sell yellow peaches. In addition to chilled watermelons in summer, Huahua's favorite food is canned yellow peaches, sour and sweet. Today, Huahua will teach you how to make your own money-saving and delicious canned yellow peaches at home!

  • Processing technology of canned rock sugar almond

    Processing technology of canned rock sugar almond

    (1) the almond is mainly produced in Hebei Province. It is rich in nutrition and has the functions of moistening the lungs, eliminating food accumulation, dispersing stagnant qi and so on. (2) technological process material selection → cleaning, → soaking, → pre-cooking, → uncoating, → rinsing, → checking, → ice sugar solution → exhaust, → sealing, → sterilization, → cooling (3) operation points: ① soaking: remove washed almonds into a container, add 1.5 times the weight of almonds, soak for 6 hours, rehydration with complete expansion of almonds is appropriate. ② pre-cooking

  • How much is a Pomeranian for a teacup?

    How much is a Pomeranian for a teacup?

    How much is a Pomeranian for a teacup?

  • "canned natural fruit" what are the magical effects and effects of grapefruit peel? Can you remove formaldehyde? How do you cook it?

    To the annual best season to eat grapefruit, generally from October will continue to have a large number of grapefruit ripe, when eating grapefruit is also the best. We usually throw away the pomelo peel directly when we eat grapefruit. In fact, there are many pomelo peels.

    2020-11-09 " natural fruit canned " grapefruit leather magic efficacy
  • How much is a purebred Pomeranian?

    How much is a purebred Pomeranian?

    How much is a purebred Pomeranian?

  • Dried straw mushroom

    Dried straw mushroom

    After the straw mushroom is harvested, the growth does not stop, and the umbrella will continue to grow. Therefore, in addition to fresh food, it should be processed quickly and made into dried straw mushrooms or canned straw mushrooms. Before processing, the mud and rotten grass at the base of the fungus bud (mushroom body) should be removed with a knife and graded according to the standards required by the commodity. Those sold far away should also be packed in plastic bags and refrigerated and transported in refrigerators or freezers to preserve the quality of mushrooms. The best fresh mushroom processed into canned straw mushroom is 1-2 grade fresh mushroom; 3-4 grade fresh mushroom can be sliced into sliced mushroom, but the quality is inferior. Processed into dried straw mushrooms, preferably
